
Showing posts from October, 2019

Places You Must Visit in the Central Province - 01

Let's start with Central Province. The central province is the sixth-largest province by area, which covers 5575 km 2 . That is 8.49% of the total area. It is surrounded by four provinces, North-Central province from the north, Sabaragamuwa province from south and west, Uva province from the east.  Provincial Flag... The flag represents three districts of the province. At the center, there is a golden color lion with a sword surrounded by four Bo-leaves in a maroon background. This symbolizes the Kandy district. The white layout of the flag represents the Matale district. By the white lotus on the right side of the flag represents the Nuwara Eliya districts. On the left side of the flag, there is a sun and moon. This symbolizes eternity. Provincial Flower... The official flower of the central province is  Rhododendron arboreum - subsp. zeylanicum.  In Sri Lanka, this plant is known as ' Ma-Rathmal ' or as ' Maha-Rathmal.' The name derived from it

Administrative Divisions of Sri Lanka...

Sri Lanka is divided into nine provinces, which are the first administrative levels, and those nine provinces further divided into 25 districts. The nine provinces are, 01. Western Province 02. Central Province 03. Southern Province 04. North - Central Province 05. Uva Province 06. Sabaragamuwa Province 07. Northern Province 08. North - Western Province 09. Eastern Province Each province then divided into districts. Districts under the provinces are like below. Western Province 1. Colombo District   2. Gampaha District  3. Kaluthara District Central Province 1. Kandy District   2. Matale District   3. Nuwara Eliya District Southern Province 1. Galle District   2. Matara District   3. Hambanthota District North - Central Province 1. Anuradhapura District   2. Polonnaruwa District Uva Province 1. Badulla District   2. Monaragala District Sabaragamuwa Province 1. Kegalle District   2. Rathnapura District Northern Province 1. Jaf

The Climate of Sri Lanka...

Since Sri Lanka is located near the equator, it has high temperatures and high rainfall distribution throughout the year. There is a uniform temperature over the year. Sri Lanka's annual temperature is about 26.8 0 C. But according to the altitude, temperature differences can observe locally. There are three primary sources of rainfall in Sri Lanka.   01. Inter-monsoonal (Convectional)   02. Monsoonal   03. Cyclonic Inter-monsoonal rainfall received at two different periods. The first inter-monsoonal rainfall received in March-April, and the second is obtained in September-October. Monsoonal rainfall also received at two periods. The first monsoonal rainfall or the 'south-west monsoon' obtained in May-September. The second rainfall or the 'north-east monsoon' obtained in October-January. Cyclones are unpredictable. They can occur at any time of the year, but more prevalent during November-December. Based on the temperature and the rainfall, five climatic zo

Geography of Sri Lanka...

Sri Lanka is located at  7.8731° N, 80.7718° E. The total area of this fantastic island is approximately 65 610 km 2 . Three main relief zones have been identified based on the altitude.         01. Coastal Zone         02. Interior Plain         03. Central hill country In the coastal zone, you can find lagoons, headlands, bays, peninsulas, marshes, sea cliffs, deltas, and islands. One can visit lagoons such as Negambo, Puttlam, Jaffna, and Batticaloa. Point Pedro, Dondra Head, Sangamankanda point are some of the headlands one can visit. In Sri Lanka, Arugam Bay is the most popular bay among the visitors. Weligama, Koddiyar, Hollan bays are some other bays anyone can attend. Muthurajawela is the most common marsh in Sri Lanka. Biological diversity is very extreme in this area.  In the interior plain, undulating lands, such as Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Ampara, monadnocks such as Sigiriya, Ritigala, Kataragama, and mountain ranges such as Bulutota, Rakwana are the prominent rel

Sri Lanka - The place you must visit...

Hello everyone, Sri Lanka, the pearl of the Indian ocean, has an incredible history and biodiversity. History made a wide variety of cultures in society. Since this is an island, the biodiversity of this land is seriously high. Every traveler must land this island. Every traveler must experience the culture of this island.  Let's reveal the beauty of this land. This is TRAVEL SRI LANKA.